Thursday, September 6, 2012

Days of the Week

Teacher Input: 
The teacher will begin by showing the students the song found on this website: The teacher will sing the song to them the first time and will ask students to sing along the second time. Watch and sing along with the video about four times. After the song, the teacher will then direct the students’ attention to the board where they will tell the teacher the days of the week in order. The teacher will begin by asking someone to raise their hand if they know what day of the week comes first according to the song they just learned. Encourage the students to sing the song to help them remember the days in order. Write down each day of the week horizontally as the students tell the days in order. After writing down all the days of the week, sing the song as a class without the video. Point to each day as it is said in the song.
Next, the teacher will ask the students what today is. I would encourage starting the days of the week lesson plan on a Monday so the students will have an easier time figuring out what the day is. Then ask the students what they did yesterday, what they are doing today, and what they will be doing tomorrow. Then direct the students’ attention back over to the board and have the poster provided on this blog taped to the board. Ask what day is it today. After the students say Monday, put a big star beside the word Monday. Then ask what day it was yesterday, and as the students are guessing point to the day before and say Sunday. Draw another symbol by the word Sunday so the students can see Sunday is before Monday. Then, ask the students what day it is tomorrow and point to the poster and say Tuesday. Draw another symbol beside the word Tuesday.
After the students are beginning to understand the days of the week use this website: to print off the worksheets for each day of the week. Give the students the Monday worksheet and let them cut and clue pictures to their worksheet. Use these worksheets for the rest of the week. Before giving the students their worksheet, make they sing the days of the week song. Also, use the yesterday, today, and tomorrow worksheet everyday for the rest of the week. They should do this activity independently. I would strongly encourage putting up a huge yesterday, today, and tomorrow poster in the classroom to use for the rest of the year with the students.